
Refraktometer PCE-ABBE-REF2

Refraktometer Abbe untuk pengukuran indeks bias dan kadar gula yang tepat /Termometer disertakan / Kontrol suhu pemegang prisma dimungkinkan /Untuk analisis lemak, minyak, cat, pernis, bahan makanan dan zat kimia Dengan refraktometer Abbe Anda mendapatkan alat pengukur untuk penentuan indeks… Read More »Refraktometer PCE-ABBE-REF2

Timbangan analitikal PCE-ABT 220

Timbangan Analitikal Laboratorium dengan Layar Sentuh Neraca analitik dengan kaca depan / Rentang berat hingga 220 g /Antarmuka RS232 untuk koneksi ke PC / Layar Sentuh 5″ / Resolusi 0,1 mg Timbangan laboratorium adalah timbangan analitik presisi tinggi dengan rentang… Read More »Timbangan analitikal PCE-ABT 220

Multifunction pH Meter PCE-PHD-1-KIT1

Analisa pH, redox, conductivity, salinity, oxygen, and temperature Pengukur pH PCE-PHD-1-KIT1 benar-benar serba guna untuk memeriksa kualitas air. pH meter portabel digunakan untuk mengontrol parameter air pH, redoks, konduktivitas, salinitas, oksigen (DO) dan juga sangat cocok untuk pengukuran suhu. Kalibrasi… Read More »Multifunction pH Meter PCE-PHD-1-KIT1

Redox pH Meter PCE-BPH 20

2,501 / 5,000 Redoks pHmeter dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis sampel cairan dengan cepat dan tepat. Ini termasuk pengukuran pH, suhu, redoks, konduktivitas, TDS, salinitas dan resistensi. Jadi, misalnya, air, alkali, susu, anggur, dan banyak cairan lainnya dapat diperiksa kualitasnya dengan tabel pH… Read More »Redox pH Meter PCE-BPH 20

Conductivity Meter PCE-PHD 1-LF

PCE-PHD 1-LF Multifunction Conductivity Meter adalah alat pengukur portabel yang mudah digunakan dengan berbagai kemampuan untuk memeriksa kualitas air. Menawarkan presisi luar biasa dengan harga terjangkau, Pengukur Konduktivitas Multifungsi digunakan untuk pengujian laboratorium dan in situ dari nilai pH, redoks,… Read More »Conductivity Meter PCE-PHD 1-LF

Multifunction pH Meter PCE-PHD 1-PH

Pengukur pH ini adalah alat pengukur portabel yang mudah digunakan dengan berbagai kemampuan untuk memeriksa kualitas air. Menawarkan presisi luar biasa dengan harga terjangkau, Pengukur pH Multifungsi digunakan untuk pengujian laboratorium dan in situ dari nilai pH, redoks, konduktivitas, kandungan… Read More »Multifunction pH Meter PCE-PHD 1-PH

Table pH Meter PCE-BPH

pH meter with automatic temperature compensation / Data storage for 300 measured values ​​/ USB interfaces for mass data storage and PC connection / Large touchscreen / Exchangeable probes / Stand for positioning the probes / Measuring range up to… Read More »Table pH Meter PCE-BPH

Methanol Extraction Tool Kit

Methanol Extraction Tool Kit THE EASY WAY TO PREPARE SOIL SAMPLES FOR THE FROG PORTABLE GC The methanol extraction tool kit can be used to perform soil extraction and dilute waste solvents. The scoopula is used to transfer soil into… Read More »Methanol Extraction Tool Kit

Gas Dilution System Diluter

BASS-100 Diluter Automated Calibration Gas Dilution System     MAKE CALIBRATION EASY WITH A BASS-100 DILUTER Advantages of the BASS-100 Automated Calibration Gas Dilution System: Uses less calibration gas Use one calibration standard and provide multiple concentrations for calibration Multiple-point calibration… Read More »Gas Dilution System Diluter

Portable GC FROG-5000™

   FROG-5000™ Portable GC PID, Micro Gas Chromatograph with Photoionization Detector Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Analysis for Air, Water, and Soil Samples       THE WORLD’S FIRST COMMERCIAL MEMS GC AND MEMS PC The FROG-5000™ can detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs)… Read More »Portable GC FROG-5000™


Overview ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETER The MGA-1000 series of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometers crystallizes intuitive technology and exceptional handling. The unique High Frequency Zeeman background correction system ensures effective compensation of intense and rapidly changing spectral interferences and brings routine… Read More »ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETER


Overview FTIR SPECTROMETER INFRALUM Our new FT mid-IR spectrometer InfraLUM FT-08 has been designed basing on our extensive R&D and expertise in the IR spectroscopy (infrared spectroscopy). This multipurpose and easy-to-operate instrument provides a well suited option for various analytical… Read More »FTIR SPECTROMETER INFRALUM


Overview MERCURY ANALYZER RA-915M The mercury analyzer RA-915M is a unique all-purpose high sensitivity analytical instrument for measuring mercury, especially for the real time detection of mercury vapor in air, mercury detection in water, natural and stack gases, oil and condensate, solid… Read More »MERCURY ANALYZER RA-915M


CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM CAPEL-205 CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM CAPEL-205 is a new generation capillary electrophoresis system with advanced options and design. Its main features are: Extended autosampler capacity up to 59 positions, allowing to provide overnight analyses Standard centrifuge-type vials of… Read More »CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS

Lumex Instruments

For almost 30 years, Lumex Instruments has been developing and manufacturing laboratory and industrial analytical equipment, instruments, and procedures. Our products are used for environmental control, water and wastewater treatment, agriculture, food and beverage quality and safety control, energy industry,… Read More »Lumex Instruments

410 Industrial Scales

Series 410 Industrial Scales Capacity up to 300 kg Readability of 5 g or 20 g 2 platform and 2 terminal options Battery operated Product Description The series 410 Industrial Scale is simple and straightforward to use and offers a range… Read More »410 Industrial Scales

490 Industrial Scales

Series 490 Industrial Scales Capacity up to 60 kg Readability of 0.1 g or 1 g 3 different interfaces available for control and data acquisition IP 65, optional Product Description The Series 490 Industrial Scales provide a range of robust,… Read More »490 Industrial Scales

Industrial Scales

Industrial Scales Like precision balances, industrial scales are used in incoming inspection, for dosing, as checkweighers in finished packaging and for counting. They are suitable for a tough working environment, as is often the case in production.

340 EM prepASH

Series 340 EM prepASH Space for 29, 19 or 12 samples Readability of 0.0001 g and capacity 120 g Fully automatic thermo-gravimetric analysis operating at temperatures of up to 1000 °C Touch screen controls Product Description The Series 340 EM… Read More »340 EM prepASH

Ash Analyzers

Ash Analyzers prepASH by Precisa combines high performance, ease of operation, precision and integrity of measurement to maximise time and accuracy in TGA analysis, as well as traceability in all measurements.

330 XM Moisture Analyzers

Series 330 XM Moisture Analyzers Capacity up to 310 g Readability of 0.0001 g or 0.001 g Temperatures up to 230 °C User friendly operation Product Description The Series 330 XM moisture analyzers are suited to users who require only… Read More »330 XM Moisture Analyzers

365 EM Moisture Analyzer

Series 365 EM Moisture Analyzer Capacity of 124 g Readability of 0.0001 g Temperatures up to 230 °C Easy to read graphic display Product Description The model EM120-HR Series 365 moisture analyzer meets the highest international quality standards. Precisa has… Read More »365 EM Moisture Analyzer

Moisture Analyzers

For the most accurate measurements and results of moisture content, Precisa excels with a wide variety of moisture analyzers, which meet the highest requirements in research, production and quality control.