
321 Analytical Balances

Series 321 Analytical Balances Capacity up to 320 g Readability of 0.1 mg Simple operating keys to access applications Easy to operate draft shield The Series 321 Analytical Balance meets and exceeds user expectations regarding design, functionality and reliability of… Read More »321 Analytical Balances

520 Analytical Balances

Series 520 Analytical Balances Capacity up to 220 g Readability of 0.1 mg PHASTbloc™ weighing cell User friendly operation The Series 520 Analytical balances contain the innovative PHASTbloc™. This advanced weighing technology is the culmination of over 40 years of… Read More »520 Analytical Balances

Precisa Analytical Balances

Analytical Balances Our analytical balances are reliable and proven in everyday practice. Analytical balances have a readability of 0.0001 g and a weighing range of up to 520 g. The high-resolution analytical balances are characterized by simple and intuitive operation.… Read More »Precisa Analytical Balances

Semi-Micro Balances 360

Series 360 Semi-Micro Balances Capacity up to 225 g Readability of 0.01 mg or 0.1 mg High degree of functionality Easy to read graphic display The Series 360 Semi-Micro balances owe their extremely high reliability and durability to the well-known… Read More »Semi-Micro Balances 360

Semi-Micro Balances 390

Series 390 Semi-Micro Balances Capacity up to 225 g Readability of 0.01 mg or 0.1 mg Touchscreen interface Ultra low weighing pan for ergonomic use The Series 390 Semi-Micro Balance range is setting new standards with a balance that offers… Read More »Semi-Micro Balances 390

Semi-Micro Balances

Semi-Micro Balances Our semi-micro balances are the epitome of innovation, precision and quality. Semi-micro balances have a readability of 0.01 mg (0.00001 g) and a weighing range up to 225 g. Semi-micro balances are ideally suited for use in research… Read More »Semi-Micro Balances

Pecisa Variant Analyzer

Pecisa Variant Analyzer Pecisa Variant Analyzer Bagi anda yang membutukan diskusi cepat bisa hubungi WA : +62 812-9509-0550 atau Telp : (021) 82736962 Informasi lengkap mengenai alat Laboratorium sertakan pada link berikut : Produk alat alat dan furniture Laboratorium.

Precisa Manufacturer Analytical

Precisa Manufacturer Analytical We invest in New Technology – We invest in The Future Since 1935 Precisa Manufacturer Analytical has developed and manufactured the finest equipment of its type in the world. A global distribution network in more than 100… Read More »Precisa Manufacturer Analytical

Portable Raman ChemDash

ChemDash Measure, Store, Analyze and Share Build your own libraries You can name every substance and add CAS numbers, GHS symbols and other relevant information. You can even add your Standard Operating Procedures to the libraries. Efficient and easy to… Read More »Portable Raman ChemDash

Raman Spectrometer Arx

Raman Spectrometer Arx Raman Spectrometer Arx is a revolutionizing instrument, introducing SharpEyeTM – a patented autofocus technology for handheld Raman instruments. Serstech Arx+ will make it easier to identify and verify substances. Serstech Arx+ is packed with new features, simplifying the workflow… Read More »Raman Spectrometer Arx

serstech indicator 100

serstech indicator 100 The Serstech 100 Indicator is a hand-held, small and light Raman spectrometer that can identify more than 14.000 substances. Customisable with fully validated and data-enriched libraries. Truly hand-held. The Serstech 100 Indicator is small and light and comfortably… Read More »serstech indicator 100

Verifikasi efesiensi bahan baku

Efficient identity verification of incoming raw materials Quick and easy verification of raw materials saves time and money for pharmaceutical producers. By verifying materials without opening the plastic bags and other containers, the raw materials do not need to be… Read More »Verifikasi efesiensi bahan baku

Alat Pendeteksi Bahan Peledak

Explosives Raman spectroscopy is highly sensitive to the chemicals used in explosives and their precursors, making Raman the preferred choice for bomb squads and police around the world. Serstech’s solutions have been designed and developed with the everyday challenges of… Read More »Alat Pendeteksi Bahan Peledak

Pendeteksi Narkotika

Identify narcotic substances with Raman Raman spectroscopy is excellent at identifying the vast majority of narcotic substances. Since Raman does not consume or tamper with the sample, there is no risk of destroying or invalidating evidence. The identification is done… Read More »Pendeteksi Narkotika


SERSTECH PORTABLE RAMAN It all began in 2002 when an extremely small spectrometer was developed by a team led by Prof. Jörg Hübner in the Department of Nanotechnology at DTU. Jörg met a team of Swedish entrepreneurs and together they… Read More »SERSTECH PORTABLE RAMAN​

Furniture Laboratorium Berkualitas

Menentukan layout Laboratorium akan berimbas pada banyaknya startegis seperti dalam hal kapasitas proses fleksibilitas, model furniture laboratorium dan biaya yang diperlukan. Dalam Menentukan tata letak laboratorium perlulah memiliki keterampilan dalam menggabungkan prinsip prinsip penentuan layout Laboratorium yaitu menggabungkan kesederhanaan, kontras,… Read More »Furniture Laboratorium Berkualitas

Tablet Hardness Testing

Tablet Hardness Testing From simple hand-held units for use on the production floor, to semi-automated units for advanced analysis, Copley offers hardness testers to suit every analyst’s needs. Description TBF 100i Combining the economy of a simple, easy to use… Read More »Tablet Hardness Testing

Semisolids Testing

Semisolids Testing Copley offers the HDT Series designed for the assessment of drug release from semisolid formulations. The range includes innovative dry-heat systems and the more traditional water-jacketed heating systems. Semisolids Testing Feature Simple, reproducible semisolid drug release measurement With… Read More »Semisolids Testing

Dissolution Testing Tablet

Dissolution Testing Tablet Meeting the latest specifications as laid down in the European, United States and associated Pharmacopoeias, the DISi Series are a range of reliable and cost-efficient dissolution tester systems designed with the highest standards of solid dosage testing… Read More »Dissolution Testing Tablet

Friability Testing Tablet

Friability Testing Tablet Background: Friability Testing Friability is the tendency for a tablet to chip, crumble or break following compression and can occur due to shock or abrasion during subsequent manufacturing steps, packaging or shipping. Normally limited to uncoated tablets… Read More »Friability Testing Tablet

Analisis Kromatografi Gas

Analisis Kromatografi Gas Analisis kromatografi gas (KG) merupakan metode pemisahan suatu campuran menjadi komponen-komponen berdasarkan interaksi fasa gerak dan fasa diam. Fase gerak berupa gas yang stabil sedangkan fase diam bisa zat padat atau zat cair. Cuplikan yang dapat dipisahkan… Read More »Analisis Kromatografi Gas

Spectrophotometer UV2500 UV-Vis

Spectrophotometer UV2500 UV-Vis Techcomp UV2500 – Double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer with touch screen operation on main unit. Latest generation of spectrophotometer UV2500 was introduced in a compact form factor. It features touch screen control panel operation, superior performance, reliable quality… Read More »Spectrophotometer UV2500 UV-Vis

Spectrophotometer UV2600 UV-Vis

Spectrophotometer UV2600 UV-Vis Techcomp UV2600 – Variable Slit Double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer.  High sensitivity and high resolution measurement can be achieved easily.  Reflectance measurement is possible with the integrating sphere accessory. Features: The excellent long focal length C-T monochromator ensures ultra-low… Read More »Spectrophotometer UV2600 UV-Vis

CDS Indonesia

CDS Indonesia PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika merupakan perwakilan langsung dari CDS Analytical yang berada di Indonesia, CDS merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang berada di Pennsylvania USA. CDS memiliki 50 tahun pengalaman memproduksi Pyrolyzer, Thermal Desorbtion dan juga Purge and Trap. Produk… Read More »CDS Indonesia

Tips Memilih Spektrofotometer

Tips Memilih Spektrofotometer Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang berguna untuk anda sebelum memilih(membeli) spektrofotometer untuk kebutuhan laboratorium: Tentukan jenis spektrofotometer yang anda butuhkan berdasarkan jenis sample yang akan anda analisa. Dapatkan brosur dan pelajari dengan baik. Jika dirasa perlu… Read More »Tips Memilih Spektrofotometer