Analisis dan Komponen Gas Kromatografi

Scion Instruments Compass CDS​

Scion Instruments Compass CDS CompassCDS is an industry-proven, powerful and operator friendly networked chromatography data system software solution developed throughout the last 20 years according to requirements of our customer base. With its intuitive, easy-to-use and application and information-rich user… Read More »Scion Instruments Compass CDS​


HPLC SCION LC 6000 The Scion 6000 Series HPLC aims for confidence in results through outstanding life-time performance. A robust design maximises uptime and productivity levels whilst minimises cost of operation. The SCION 6000 Series offers an array of automation… Read More »HPLC SCION LC 6000

GC Analysis Instruments

GC Analysis Instruments SCION has the experience and know-how to provide pre-configured gas chromatographs that are ready at power up to handle your key applications. SCION has more than 50 standard, pre-configured systems available to meet a wide variety of… Read More »GC Analysis Instruments

Analisis dan Komponen Gas Kromatografi

Analisis dan Komponen Gas Kromatografi Kromatograf gas adalah instrumen analisis kimia untuk pemisahan bahan kimia dalam suatu sampel kompleks. Kromatograf gas menggunakan tabung pendek beraliran yang dikenal sebagai kolom, yang di dalamnya dialirkan gas (gas pembawa, fasa gerak) sambil membawa konstituen sampel yang… Read More »Analisis dan Komponen Gas Kromatografi