Water Id

Water ID

Water-i.d. is founded in January 2003 as “Pool-i.d. OHG” with its headquarters at the Hoepfner Burg in Karlsruhe. The initial product is the “rap-i.d. press&break”, an innovative one-way pooltester for chlorine and pH. For this product, Pool-i.d. gets awarded with the GOLDEN WAVE innovation award.

2005 / blistered reagent tablets
Customer driven, Pool-i.d. starts to (let) produce blistered reagent tablets based on the 4 tablet-sorts already developed for the “rap-i.d. press&break”. Production again takes place at Klocke GmbH. Tablets are designed to work with Pooltester / Testblocks and Photometers of other brand. Until then, reagent tablets were blistered in strip packs. Pool-i.d. is the first supplier, offering reagent tablets in push-through blisters, which nowdays became common standard throughout the industry. For using push-through-blisters, Pool-i.d. again gets awarded with the GOLDEN WAVE.

2006 / Pooltester / Testblocks
Pool-i.d. OHG becomes Pool-i.d. GmbH & Co. KG. Again customer driven, Pool-i.d. designes their own Pooltesters / Testblocks, having them produced in China with own molds. Distribution of Pool-i.d. products amongst European DIY-chains becomes massive.

2007 / Headquarters / Production
Due to the rising demand of our products, the offices at the Hoepfner Burg became too small. Furthermore, the decision is made to produce blistered tablet reagents on our own. The facilities at Daimlerstraße in Eggenstein, tablet presses and a blister-machine are bought and a Chemist gets employed, allowing us to develop further tablet sorts and to produce blistered reagent tablets on our own.

2008 / Comparators / Test Strips
Product range gets extended to also offer test strips and Comparators. Comparators are using the Pool-i.d. reagents. Plastic parts are again being produced in China. Test strips (produced in China as well) only as trading items.

2009 / Electronic Meter
Product range gets extended to also offer Electronic Meters. Electronic Meters are produced in China and Taiwan by that, a trading item of Pool-i.d.

2010 / Bacteria Tests / Titration
Product range gets extended, now offering Bacteria Tests (dipslides) and Titration Kits, such as the tablet count versions for e.g. Alkanity-M. Whilst dipslides and incubators are trading items (produced in UK), titration kits use Pool-i.d. reagents. Plastic parts are produced in China.

2011 / PrimeLab (start R&D)
Pool-i.d. GmbH & Co. KG becomes Pool-i.d. GmbH Due to the circumstance that the Pool-i.d. lab developed more than 20 different Photometer reagents for 3rd party products, the decision is made to develop our own Photometer, called PrimeLab 1.0. R&D is funded by the German government (ZIM solo) and happens in cooperation with MAZeT GmbH, a daughter company of Carl ZEISS and JENOPTICS. The Pool-i.d. IT department, to develop firmware, software, apps and web-applications, is born.

2013 / PrimeLab (launch)
After almost 2 years of development, PrimeLab gets launched. It was and still is the first Photometer world-wide, which simultaneously tests on 400 wavelengths with just one light source, thanks to the JENCOLOR sensor. 6 channels across the visual range take parallel readings. All in-between wavelengths are interpolated by the software. Furthermore, PrimeLab is the first Photometer using Bluetooth technology, a powerfull app and software, both synchronized by a cloud server. Allowing our customers to pick and pay for only those parameters needed, brings instant success.

2015 / PrimeLab adapters
Launching PrimeLab adapters for NTU-Turbidity, PTSA and Fluoresceine. By using the PrimeLab-adapter, no other device needs to be purchased (as with our competitors) to test these parameters.

2016 / Water-i.d. GmbH
Pool-i.d. GmbH becomes Water-i.d. GmbH, as mostly due to the launch of the PrimeLab, the business gets more and more industrial-related. Furthermore, the lab team gets one new member. Development of tablet reagents produced by Water-i.d. exceeds 70 different sorts.

2017 / PoolLab
Water-i.d. launches the new PoolLab Photometer, an entire inhouse-development. PoolLab is the first 3-wavelengths, 11 parameters, Bluetooth equipped Photometer, designed and priced for private users. Until 01/2020, more than 35,000 units have been sold over a period of less than 3 years.

2019 / FlexiTester / Status-Quo
Water-i.d. launchs the new FlexiTester, a low-cost, high-quality combination of Testblocks and Comparator. The user can choose from 41 different parameters with just one device. The lab team gets a new phD-member, the number of reagents developed by Water-i.d. exceeds the 100 mark, the number of parameters, implemented on the PrimeLab, is almost 150. More than 2,900 different products and product-combinations are on sale under the Water-id. brand. Furthermore, a 2nd tablet press, another blister-line, a powder-pillow machine and a sachet machine (for buffer solutions) is bought and successfully implemented.